
Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Life

Yes… DiGi iPhone 4 Life is real and will change the way for us to get connected and share information around the globe. My friend ask me, are you still dreaming of iPhone4? The I give him the best answer in the world, YES.. why not… (+_;). If my dream comes true, the first people I will show this gadget is my mothers and snap pictures with her.

DiGi is the smarter choice and I will use this iPhone to share my latest activity with my fans. Do believe me, iPhone provide high quality image and the camera is 5 mega pixel. The best thing with this new iPhone4 is you can make a video call. Enjoy the lowest rate for video call by DiGi and get more rewards.

Below is the example of my pictures taken by iPhone4 during “Back To Sikul Gathering”. I snap it and share it on FaceBook and it was become my profile pictures.

Kring… kring…… owh it just a dream… it was 8 am, will continue my job today and hope for the miracle DiGi iPhone 4 Life

Sunday, September 26, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Real

Is bad to keep a dream even you have to wait a bit longer it become real? I had read few books series by Robert T. Kiyosaki or more known as Rich Dad. The answer to my questions , it’s not a mistake to keep a dream even you have to wait it become reality.

Now I still dreaming how can I get the iPhone because for those in same situation with me cannot afford to pay much for this great gadget, iPhone4. Now it become easier and open the opportunities for us who cannot pay cash , DiGi give a chance for us to make the dream become real. We can use credit card with 0 interest and pay back as low as RM 102.16. Now our dream seem turning into reality and believe me one day DiGi iPhone 4 will be mine for Real.

Below is the details of 0% Interest Easy Payment Plan (EPP) with selected banks.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Play

Everybody talking about Iphone4 which just reach Malaysia market and it encourage me to do more research on this IPhone. Even I just dreaming of an iPhone, I still interested to know what make this iPhone get more and more popular each day. As we know , iPhone have the latest technology and it make our life become easier than before. iPhone is like a super computer that we can bring along and the size is very small with a great feature… you can do everything on iPhone and I can said it “a smarter choice” .

Beside sharing an information, pictures in real time you also can use this iPhone as a tools to sketch.Iphone is not just focus for entertainment only but it will make the business more efficient. Let’s swept our stress away by playing game on Iphone4. Digi is one of the teleco provider in Malaysia offered no #1 services with high speed connections. For those who addict with facebook, Digi offered free service for you to open Facebook on your phone and it will more great if using iPhone.

Here is “SketchBook Mobile” design especially for iPhone4. SketchBook® Mobile offers a full set of sketching tools and delivers them through a streamlined and intuitive user interface.

Use it to digitally capture your ideas as napkin sketches or produce artwork on-the-go. With the same paint engine as the renowned SketchBook® Pro software, SketchBook® Mobile delivers sophisticated brushes and fluid pencils.

✓Full Screen work space with UI-on-demand
✓ Multi-touch navigation with a 2500% zoom
✓ 3GS & 3rd Gen iPod touch:
• Canvas size 1024x682
• 6 Layers
✓ All other devices:
• Canvas size 600x400
• 3 Layers
✓ Transform Layer (two finger move, scale & rotate)
✓ Duplicate Layer
✓ Save work-in-progress and export to Photo Library or e-mail images
✓ 10 levels of undo and redo
✓ 25 preset brushes, including a flood fill and texture brushes
• Swap between the last 2 brushes used
✓ Smooth brush stroking
✓ Synthetic pressure sensitivity (brush fade-off)
✓ Completely customizable brush settings
✓ Dynamic symmetric drawing
✓ Color Wheel and Customizable Color Swatches
What's new
✓ Bug Fixes
• Image import on iOS 3.1.3

Lets dreaming again… DiGi iPhone 4 Play

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

I was dreaming to get an iPhone long time ago, but since I have limited financial budget I still dreaming to have an iPhone. There are few series of iPhone and the latest is iPhone4 . Everybody talk about this new gadget and I was interested to know what are the advantage of this new model from the older model. Yes I admit I’m still dreaming for this iPhone4 and hope one day I my dream will turn into reality.

Yes… as I said before … im still keep my dream to have an iPhone in the future. Keeping this dream will give me motivation to get more hard work and start saving for iPhone. For those who in a situation as me, lets study what make everyone talk about this great gadget, Iphone4.

New features in iPhone4 are :
Face Time”. iPhone 4 makes video calling a reality. See your friends while you talk to them and make phone calls like you've never seen before. iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi.

Retina display” It's the sharpest, most vibrant, highest-rresolution phone screen ever. With four times the pixel count of the previous iPhone, images and text are amazingly crisp.

Multitasking” Run multiple apps at the same time and switch between them instantly. All without sacrificing performance or battery life.
“HD video recording” Now you'll always have a great HD video camera with you. Record, edit, and share HD video right on iPhone 4.

5-megapixel camera” Photography on iPhone 4 takes a giant leap forward. The 5-megapixel camera includes a 5x digital zoom, a built-in LED flash, and improved low-light performance.

If I was asked what is your dream? My answer is … DiGi iPhone 4 Me . Why I choose Digi even there are another service provider offered an iPhone4. The answer is simple… since I get my handphone , I already use Digi and I was satisfied with it. Get more great reward from Digi and never have a downtime compare to the other teleco service provider. My mum always borrow my phone especially during a celebration session because the Blue teleco always down.(cannot call because line was busy and calling rate also expensive). Lest dream…….. DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

10 Ways to Avoid Ghost in Hotel Rooms

1. Knock on door or press door bell before entering, meaning to ask for permission to stay there.
2. When entering hotel room for 1st time, enter sideways so as to allow the 'dirty thing' to leave the room.
3. Leave a pair of slippers (each facing opposite directions) at door entrance. 'Dirty thing' coming in will follow the slipper and go out.
4. Place a glass of water and a pinch of salt at head of bed.
5. Flush toilet bowl before using.
6. Do not close the bible if it has been left open.
7. Avoid wearing black & red clothing. Wear yellow clothing.
8. Before sleeping, close toilet door & also switch off toilet lights.
9. Don't sleep facing big mirror.
10. Before sleeping, do not leave slippers together but each facing opposite direction to each other or in a messy way.

P/s: if you have another tips on how to avoid Ghost, please share it by giving a comment.

Do you believe in ghost ? for my self i believe even i was not seeing before ... and as i watch ghostlike movie... Asian ghost is more scare compare to the Europe  ghost ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's Living

It was still a Hari Raya hoilday mood and i spent a lot of my holiday at home and surfing internet day and night.  I just visit few friends home because almost all my friends going back to their lovely village. I receive an email forwarded by my friend and it make me thinking for a while and start realized where i was stand for now and which directions i should go for my future.

By going through this email, i ask my self what is living and i live for whom? We woke up every morning and
get ready for our daily job with a hope at the end of the months we get paid. For those running business , every moment thinking how to expand the business and get more profit. We always thinking that the way of we are living now is very difficult and hope for the wind of change to have batter life. Have you ever look back what happening for others life. Some motivator told us, look forward and do not look back. The questions now is, how you can  determine the way you living right now if didn't look back? How do we know what is the differences and improvement that we had done so far to catch our dream or future. 

These photos dictate the lives of poorest Chinese nowadays. Do take a deep breath and be grateful of what we have.

1.             男兒一跪仍英雄!!!!!!This man was still a hero even dropped to his knees.
He was a Tibetan transportation soldier. His medals told of his contributions to his country. But he kneeled for forgiven at his wife's grave for not able to be by her side when she died on a difficult delivery. 

2.             相信大家都有過類似的情況,你會怎麼做呢?像她們嗎?無動於衷?I believe everyone had been in this situation before, what you would have done? Like them? Untouched?

3.             他手裏的吃的你吃過嗎?你會吃嗎?Have you tried the kind of food in his hand? Will you?

4.             看著這張照片你怎麼想的?What will you think after seeing something like this?

5.             為了幾塊錢的生活費 For a few bucks of income.

6.             17歲的礦工,他一次背100多斤的煤走1000多米,一次一塊錢
Seventeen yr-old coal miner, he earned one dollar per trip, transporting more than 100 kati of coal at his back to a thousand metres away on foot.

7.             為了生活,這位老婆婆,用她幾乎沒有力量的身體在.....For living, this old lady exhausted herself...

8.             一位老人獨自抗議先行教育的收費制度 This old man was demonstrating against the tuition fee hike : "No school should be allowed to use the student as a source of incomes. No country would use the students as goods for acquiring the assets."

9.         就是在西安,就是在這個地方有人花了30多萬吃了一頓飯 This is in Xian. Somebody had spent 300 thousand dollars here on one of his meals.

10.         再看看我們的孩子在什麼樣的教室裏上課 Then look at what kind of classrooms our children have.

11.         還記得嗎?這些所謂的明星在做秀烤肉,烤出來的糊肉居然賣了17800 Remember this occassion while the actresses sold these burnt BBQ meat after putting up a show? They ,managed to sell away 17800 sticks.

12.         而在這裏,兩個孩子卻因付不起區區百來元的學費而被迫綴學在家,過早地肩負起了生活的重擔,對他們來說,100多元錢的學 費竟如天文數字 On the contrary, two children were forced to stay out of school for not able to pay few hundreds $ school fees. To them, the figure was astronomical, and they had started working life too hard too young.

13.         就是那張在網上廣泛流傳,引起了無數爭議的照片。我想,這張照片最大的現實意義不在於它揭示了社會巨大的貧富反差,更讓人揪心的還在於--當這兩個孩子長大之後,我們又該用什麼來保證他們所代表的兩個階層的和睦相處?This photo had been circulating on the internet widely. I felt that the significance of it was notj ust showing the big gap of the poorer and richer, but to make one worry about their future confrontation. What could we  do to ensure that when this generation has grown, the conflicts could be avoided.

14.         還有下面這位可憐的賣紅薯的老人,在影響市容和他要活下去之間,我們應該如何選擇呢?
And how about this poor potato seller: how should we choose between allowing them to make a living and decorating for the scene of our cities?

15.         當代縴夫,那能有幾多愛? Modern boat-pulling men, who would spare love for them?

16.         一位因為家境貧困沒有路費,在多次向其鄉政府請求路費無結果後,在兒子犧牲20年後才第一次攢夠錢去陵園探望兒子的母親,這是她第一次來,也許是最後一次了.......
This woman paid her first and may be her last respect to her son after he died in war 20 yrs ago. She had only gathered enough money for coming here despite many attempts to get help for that from a local governor.

17.         老婆,我好著呢,吃的好睡的好,穿的也好。大城市真漂亮……Honey, I am eating well, sleeping well, have nice clothes to wear too. And this big city is really beautiful...

18.         為了能上學,每天去給一家窯廠背磚坯,她每次背16塊,重40斤,走140米 ,只得33厘工錢  Doing it for school fee: Every time she bags 16 pcs of bricks, abt 40 kilo, to walk 140m, she will earn3.3 cents.

19.         最最震撼的呐喊聲,你聽到了麼? The most rocking shout. Did you hear it?
That day, an English teacher came to our town. The first sentence she taught us was: "I want go to school." Did you hear us shouting out loud?
20.         不是我影響市容,是我很餓 Not that I want to tarnish the city image, just that I am really very hungry.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya - 2010

10 September 2010 is another special day for all Muslim around the world, Hari Raya Adilfitri. After going for fast for one month and now time for celebrations. As for me live in Malaysia, Hari Raya celebration quite special because it one of the biggest event and all Malaysian celebrate it no matter what race or religion you are.

What I love during this Hari Raya, the foods. It the time you can find many food that you will never see on our daily life such as Lemang, Ketupat,Satey , Rendang and many more. Another special things about this Hari Raya is the cookies. Beside enjoy visiting your friends and relative home, remember to control eating because all foods are having high cholesterol. 

I had design eCard for all my friends and especially my reader, Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri and hope we have a bright future. Remember to be careful on your journey of balik kampung.

Below is the video of new songs especially for this Hari Raya from SHILA AMZAH, STACY, FARA FAUZANA & ALEYA . 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I was very lucky today..

I cannot say any words other than Thank you God… as usual I will park my car outside Karamunsing shopping complex. It was expensive to park inside and that the only options I have, park my little Produa Viva outside.

I park the car leave it until evening, just normal office working hour, around 5 PM I will going back home. I was very shock when the lorry parking on the right side of my little car, Viva , the windows mirror on the left side was totally crushed and all documents are pull out and leave on the ground …

Here are the pictures of the lorry taken from my car.

Thanks god and another things make my day really lucky… got dinner with someone very special … ehehe.. I know you can guess it.

Make money with Churp Churp , very easy – no blog , no domain, just twitter

Many of us struggling and work hard to earn money online and some of us purchase an expensive domain and hosting for blogging or website with a big hope to earn money online.

What if I said, you didn’t need all the stuff, just use your twitter. It very easy, just creates a twitter post and you will get paid.

How many follower do you need to make money with twitter? Just 25 friends.. that it.. im not joking… if you didn’t believe me.. Just go to www.churpchurp.com
Here are few things you need to know:

1. ChurpChurp is an advertising network for Twitter
2. After register at www.churpchurp.com , make your account Authorized , it simple – just click a Authorized button.
3. You will get an assignment, usually notify with your email.
4. Make a post about the assignment given to you and include all the keywords provided.
5. Click submit and you done

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