
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fantasy Primer League 2008/09 - week 5 result

I had starting to play the fantasy premier league game, started on week 5. I used the auto complete function for selecting my team and wanna see how the result going to be. I was happy with the achievements of my team because I earn 33 points, not bad and I’m number 15 of 20 contestants who joined this game on week 5.

Here is the picture of my team.


Raja Bersiong is the leading in our public league with 54 Points. If you see on his team, Adebayor (C) - 16 points and Denilson -10 points who give him a great points.

My friend told me, select a potential player to score in a game as captain. If the player scores in the game, then he will get high points, but because he is the captain, then the score will double. I had changed my team captain, and we will see the result by next week.


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