Monday, December 15, 2008
I had a great weekend last week, had learn something new and it really very useable for me. I had learned another way how to make money with a minimum risk. Now days everybody talking about global economy crisis. Our daily expanses increase but income to our pocket decrease. We have to be preparing facing the more and harder economy crisis next year. We have to look another alternative way to get more income to fulfill our financial needed.
I by my self had looked for a few alternative ways to earn money. I had to do that because I’m not sure what would happened next year and its batter to get prepare before I become jobless. There are million ways for us to generate income but for my self, I more interested in small business, multi level marketing, forex , investment and make money online.
As mention earlier, I had learned a new method to make money in ethical way. I had attended course done by TeraOptions in Sutera Habor , Kota Knabalu on 13 october 2008 . This company is specializing in investment educations. TeraOptions was establish on 2006 and focus in educateing and training investors in yielding higher proceeds from stock market using stock and index options with logical, conservative and systematic trading system.
TeraOptions focus in three ways of doing their investment. There are :
TeraOptions Fundamental Analysis - Which strongest stock to buy, which weakest stock to short.
TeraOptions Technical Analysis – When to buy and when to sell
TeraOptions Options Analysis – How to maximize profit and minimize investment risk.
I had a fundamental knowledge in Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis but Options Analysis it new to me. Options Analysis is only a strategy to make investment and get profit from your investment.
Kaitor said.
I want to join TeraOptions investment course but I didn’t have enough money to pay for the course fee. Maybe it’s not the right time for me to join this course for now, but I really thankful to TeraOptions giving me knowledge how to be a part in stock market and great strategy to make profit from stock market. This knowledge is applicable in forex, so I will practice this method in my Forex trading.